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The Gift of Kindness
by Simi Summer, PhD

Whole Foods Magazine    Translate This Article
24 January 2019

On 24 January 2019 WholeFoods Magazine* reported: Many religious and ancient traditions feel that humankind's highest goal is to live a virtuous life by cultivating compassion, patience, tranquility, generosity and overall kindness. . . . What if there was a natural technique to increase kindness, compassion and other symptoms of ideal individual and collective behavior without straining . . . ?

Research on meditation, specifically Transcendental Meditation over the last more than forty years has clearly shown dramatic changes for physiology, psychology and development of human potential. This includes [increased self-actualization, moral maturity, emotional resilience, mental clarity, and cardiovascular health; reduced anxiety and stress; and decreased crime, terrorism, and war]. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programs Maharishi has designed to bring fulfillment to the fields of health and world peace.

[Author Dr. Simi Summer encourages members of the natural products industry to] take a dive within, unfold full human potential, spontaneously cultivate kindness and compassion from within the members of your management teams, stores, manufacturers, suppliers and other employees. It's time to take effective steps to improve individual and collective health and well-being to create a kinder, more compassionate and permanently peaceful world in the New Year.

Click here to read the full article online at

Copyright © 2018 WFC, Inc.

*WholeFoods Magazine is a trade publication in the natural products industry in the USA, not affiliated with Whole Foods Markets.

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Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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