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Inaugurating the second year of daily peace-creating performances at the centre of India
by Global Good News staff writer

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21 October 2013

Sunday, 20 October, marked another historic milestone in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programme to create permanent world peace.

One year ago, on 20 October 2012, the inaugural daily performance was held of Ati Rudrabhhishek—a special Vedic performance for world peace—conducted by 1,331 Maharishi Vedic Pandits in residence at the Global Capital of World Peace* in the centre of India. This performance has continued every day throughout the past year.

Last year's event was hailed as inaugurating a new era in which, for the first time in many years, the special Vedic procedure would be performed every day—making it possible to awaken a sustained and powerful effect of peace in world consciousness, from the deepest level of nature's intelligence.

This year, to celebrate the first full year, and the start of the second year of daily performances, Ati Rudrabhhishek was being performed twice in one day at the Pandits' campus in India, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.


1,500 Maharishi Vedic Pandits—peace-creating experts—at the Global Capital of World Peace in the centre of India, participating in Vedic performance to promote permanent peace for the whole world family.

Dr Girish Varma, Director-General of the Global Capital at the centre of India, explained that these two performances, just for one day, gave everyone attending a taste of the powerful, peaceful influence that will be created when the full programme designed by Maharishi is implemented—allowing for three complete Ati Rudrabhhishek to be performed every day. This was achieved on a regular basis during the late 1980s, a time characterized by the fall of the Berlin Wall and other dramatic events indicating an upsurge of harmony and peace in the world.

Before Sunday's celebration began, Dr Varma also stated the resolution (Sankalp) for the performance—'All good to everyone and non-good to no one—permanent peace for our dear world family and enlightenment for every individual on earth.'

Organizers honoured seven well-wishers of peace in India, Thailand, the United States, Canada, and Europe, who are generously supporting this daily performance for world peace.

Ati Rudrabhishek and other Vedic technologies of consciousness, known as Maharishi Yagyas, are precise Vedic performances to create specific life-supporting influences for individuals and nations. Vedic recitation and performances, which are derived from the timeless tradition of Vedic wisdom, have been declared by UNESCO as 'an intangible heritage of humanity'. 

These procedures have been restored to their complete effectiveness by Maharishi, and their daily performance by large groups of Pandits at the centre of India and other locations forms a central element in Maharishi's programme to create world peace.

See related article: India: Historic inauguration of daily Vedic performances for world peace held at centre of nation

For more information about Maharishi's programme to create world peace, visit: Global Peace Initiative.

* On 12 January 2008 Maharishi designated the Global Capital at the centre of India as the Global Capital of Raam Raj (administration through Natural Law).

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

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