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''Transcending all knowledge'' - St John of the Cross
by Craig Pearson, PhD    Translate This Article
11 July 2012

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Dr Craig Pearson continues a series of brilliant essays on great historical figures in world culture whose thinking, speech, actions, and written works have expressed a deep familiarity—based on direct experience—with the transcendental field of life.

''This essay is about one of the greatest figures in the Catholic church,'' Dr Pearson writes, ''St. John of the Cross, who is also one of the greatest poets in Spanish literature.

''In his writings, St. John describes experiences that remind us of transcending—the experience during Transcendental Meditation practice of the mind settling inward, beyond thought and perception, to a state of quiet inner wakefulness and deep peace.

''St. John compares this experience to waking up:

[The soul] is moved and awakened from the sleep of natural vision to supernatural vision. Hence [one] very adequately uses the term 'awakening.' [1]

''He goes on:

His soul in its simplicity and purity will then be immediately transformed into simple and pure Wisdom. [2]''

As in essays on Einstein, Laozi, Wordsworth, Thoreau, Tennyson, and others, Dr Pearson articulates the details of this and other beautiful experiences St. John describes in terms of the knowledge and experience brought to light from the ancient Vedic tradition by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

''The restfully alert state naturally elicited by the Transcendental Meditation technique is a fourth major state of consciousness, beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping,'' Dr. Pearson continues. ''Maharishi calls it Transcendental Consciousness and describes it as a state of knowingness, the experience of pure knowledge, consciousness aware of itself alone—'pure Wisdom,' in St. John's words.''

Dr Pearson points out that ''the Transcendental Meditation technique is not a religious practice. People of every religion and cultural background practice it—and often find that the resulting growth of consciousness deepens their appreciation of the true meaning of their religion. This in addition to the countless other benefits documented in more than 650 scientific research studies—increasingly integrated brain functioning, increased creativity, intelligence, and moral maturity, improved health and well-being, balanced personality development, warmer personal relationships, and much more.''

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

[1] The Living Flame of Love 4:6.

[2] The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, trans. Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez (1964; reprint, Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, 1973), 149.

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