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Living the light of Total Knowledge: Festival of Lights
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 October 2011

During the celebration of the Festival of Lights on 26 October, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, honoured by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi as first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, addressed celebrations in MERU, Holland and in the centre of India via video conference from Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

Please see Part I of this article. The Festival of Lights, called Dipavali in the Vedic calendar, celebrates the day of Mahalakshmi—the day of celebrating and enlivening the qualities of abundance, affluence, and fulfilment inherent in the structure of Natural Law, for every individual and every nation.

Referring to Maharishi's address on this occasion in 2007, a video of which was played earlier in the celebration, Maharaja discussed how the reality of Mahalakshmi, infinite affluence, is available in the infinite silence of everyone, in the form of the infinite dynamism of total Natural Law, the total power of Brahm (Totality).

Through all of his knowledge and programmes brought to light from the Vedic literature, Maharishi has spread 'the light of consciousness, of pure Being, in the life of so many million people around the world, and through them to the whole human society, nations, and our entire planet Earth,' Maharaja said.

'This is the light of life, the light of pure Being, this is the reality of existence. All other aspects of existence on the surface level of life are only expressions of that inner reality.

'To the extent they are in connection with it, they are living in light. And to the extent that they are restless, separate, divided, thinking of any kind of smallness—this one bit of smallness, this other bit of smallness here, or a big smallness, on any level of politics, economy, of ''my'' and ''you'', of differences—then restlessness and darkness set in. Only in unity of pure Being there is true light.'

Global Good News will continue featuring Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam's address from the Dipavali celebration in the coming days.

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For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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