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Wishes for the health, happiness, and enlightenment of all the mothers and girls of the world
by Global Good News staff writer

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7 October 2011

The Victory Day celebration on 6 October in MERU, Holland, culminated with the expression of beautiful resolutions and wishes 'for the perfect health, happiness, prosperity, peace, and invincibility of the whole human race'.

In addition, wishes were made on behalf of 'all the mothers of every nation' to enjoy total knowledge of Natural Law—'so that through her enlightened vision, every mother can lead the new generation to higher consciousness, and so there will be no darkness or ignorance in any corner of her home, her family, her society, her nation, or her world.'

Wishes were also expressed 'for all the girls, big and small, to grow in the dignity of higher consciousness, so that their lives are lived in dignity and purity, raising the standard of life to a new level of royal living, in fulness, in bliss, 24 hrs' every day.

It was also wished for 'victory and invincibility' to be in 'all the mothers' hands: Mothers can create an invincible nation, an invincible child.' To bring 'victory'—an invincible level of health, happiness, and fulfilment to every family—it was recommended that all the children and their parents learn Transcendental Meditation and the advanced Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme. If the whole family practises Maharishi's peace-creating technologies of consciousness together regularly twice a day, it will bring 'invincibility to your nation and to the whole world.'

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Global Good News comment:

For the good news about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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