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Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's technologies of consciousness helped save Japan from much greater potential destruction
by Global Good News staff writer

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10 July 2011

Soon after the major earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster in Japan in March, a very large Maharishi Yagya* performance, conducted by specially trained Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India, was organized on behalf of the country.

Recent comments by physicists and nuclear energy experts have explained that, with the severe damage and radiation that occurred at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, an 'uncontrollable situation' developed in which the potential existed for much greater destruction, which would have brought even more widespread loss of life.

Experts have also explained how, as events unfolded, subsequent accidents occurred—which were in themselves unfortunate, but which also created conditions that forestalled even greater disaster, allowing the critical situation at the reactor to gradually be brought under control. Several have commented that it was a 'miracle' that much greater damage—the 'worst case'—had not happened. These developments were in the direction of the worst case, yet their occurrence also created, by accident, conditions that averted much greater devastation.

This phenomenon was due to the life-supporting effects of the Maharishi Yagya, said administrators of the Transcendental Meditation Programme in Japan, which helped to 'rescue the nation' from much greater potential destruction.

They expressed deepest appreciation for the 'immediate, kind, compassionate and generous help' from thousands of well-wishers of Japan all over the world who supported the Maharishi Yagya performance, which 'rescued our nation'. Daily practice of Transcendental Meditation by groups of meditators in many countries, as well as in Japan, is also helping support the overall situation by creating more coherence in national and world consciousness.

Global Good News will report more about the continuing work of organizations teaching Transcendental Meditation in Japan to promote relief from traumatic stress and create a coherent atmosphere in the nation to support progress in reconstruction.

* Maharishi Yagyas are precise Vedic performances, conducted by Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India, to create specific life-supporting influences for individuals and nations from the field of pure consciousness, the field of total Natural Law, which is awakened in the Pandits' consciousness through their daily practice of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme.

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