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United Kingdom: Professional team appointed for construction of Europe's first Maharishi Peace Palace
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 February 2010

A team of professionals has been appointed to construct the first Maharishi Peace Palace in Europe, at Maharishi Garden Village in Rendlesham, Suffolk, England. During its first full meeting, the group considered many facets of the building design and construction, including ecological aspects, all in light of Vastu principles of Vedic Architecture, Maharishi Sthapatya Veda.

At the meeting were the architects; quantity surveyor; structural and mechanical engineers; lighting, electrical, and plumbing engineers; along with the project manager.

'The meeting with all these professionals was very successful,' said Raja Peter Warburton, Raja of Great Britain for the Global Country of World Peace*, 'and plans were made about how the building will function and be designed.' The group was given a detailed presentation about Maharishi Sthapatya Veda, along with photographs of buildings around the world that have been built according to the principles of Vedic Architecture.

'Although building is a very old profession,' Raja Peter said, 'the knowledge of building according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda is new; all the formulas for construction are new, and the professionals involved with creating a building do not know anything about the proportions and rules of Vastu. At the same time there are many building, fire, and material regulations.

'It was a wonderful day brainstorming many different things, from the ecological features of the building—to be carbon neutral, how to heat and cool the building, what materials will be used—all in the light of the knowledge of Vastu,' Raja Peter said.

'The final drawings involving all aspects of the building will be available once this one is completed. All the pre-construction work needs to be done so thoroughly only once, then it's there for the construction of Maharishi Peace Palaces in every country.'

* Raja Peter spoke on the 19 February Maharishi Global Family Chat, which is broadcast daily via Internet webcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. Podcasts of the daily Global Family Chat (audio track) are also now available for automatic download, via an RSS feed.

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