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A Tribute to His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam

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5 February 2009

One year ago today, on 5 February 2008, the Global Country of World Peace announced that, 'with his life's work complete, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the illustrious sage of the Vedic Tradition of India, who over 50 years ago introduced his Transcendental Meditation programme to spiritually regenerate mankind and create world peace, ''is welcomed with open arms into Heaven''.'

The announcement featured many of Maharishi's lifelong achievements, and quoted from his farewell message: 'Live long the world in peace, happiness, prosperity, and freedom from suffering.'*

Today, 5 February 2009, on the occasion of the one-year solar anniversary of Maharishi's Mahasamadhi, Global Good News is honoured to reprint the beautiful Tribute to Maharishi by Maharaja Adhiraj Raja Raam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, one year ago.

On 5 Feb 2008, Maharaja said,

'Jai Guru Dev**. It is Heaven that is now applauding, for Heaven . . . has just welcomed and opened its arms to His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. . . .

'We bow down to the will of Heaven for a work beautifully done—a transformation of humanity never seen in any time, for any generation, in any Yuga [age].

'Together we will be strong, unified, uphold his teaching, and keep being honoured for having had the chance to have a glimpse of him or hear a word from him.

'Today is a very special day that he must have selected. We respect that. We maintain our dignity and his message in our minds and hearts, and the purity of his teaching, and the purity of our intentions, and the unity of our thoughts. For only together, strong and unified, we can have the sense of fulfilling his presence continuing on this planet earth. . . .

'It is the time for us to go back to the Self, to pure Being, where he is residing in our hearts, in our minds, in our desires, in our hopes, in our beautiful intentions to fulfil, and continue to achieve, the goal that he has already done, but that has given us the choice and the beautiful ability to say that we are fulfilling his desire and continuing the work that he has done. For he has already done it, and completed it, and finished it. Yet he wanted to give us the bliss and the joy to feel that we are continuing, and we are doing.

'All my thoughts are with Heaven's receiving him. All our wishes would be to be there with him, to see him come to Heaven. Yet the responsibility he has given us requires us to be here, together, strong; and maintain the bliss that he wanted us to experience and to live, and which is the nature of life.

'And in all his Glory we say, Jai Guru Dev, Jai Guru Dev, Jai Guru Dev, Maharishiji!'

Please visit the Tributes page to view more beautiful Tributes to Maharishi that have poured in from leaders, members, and friends of the Global Country of World Peace around the world.

Global Good News will continue to reprint selected Tributes in the coming days. Please also see previous articles on the one-year anniversary of Maharishi's Mahasamadhi that have appeared in Global Good News in recent weeks ('Global commemoration' and 'Ceremonies in India').

* The full press announcement from 5 February 2008 may be viewed at 'His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi'.

** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas

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