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Worldwide decline in poverty reflects fulfilment of Maharishi's lifelong work
by Global Good News staff writer

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31 July 2008

Speaking 25 July 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat, Raja Kingsley Brooks, Raja of Invincible Israel for the Global Country of World Peace, reflected on the vast lifelong achievements of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi revealed by a worldwide decline in poverty.

'When Maharishi said in January that his work was done, by what I'm about to present, you will see that this is truly the case,' began Raja Kingsley. In a recent meeting with Raja Kingsley, Dr David Orme-Johnson, pioneer in research on the Transcendental Meditation Technique and its effect in reducing societal conflict, confirmed the exciting changes in the world due to the influence of Maharishi's programmes. Dr Orme-Johnson said, 'Poverty is on the decline worldwide; the rest of the world is become more concerned with their own development than criticizing the United States.' In addition, he commented that terrorist leaders are beginning to doubt their scriptures' support of terrorism, 'financing for terrorism is on the decline, and war is at an all-time low'.

Quoting a recent article in the International Herald Tribune titled 'Interconnected We Prosper', Raja Kingsley reported that, in China alone, 407 million citizens rose out of poverty between the years 1990 and 2004, roughly one third the population of the world's largest nation. This upward shift is taking place throughout the world, continued the article; the Brookings Institution forecast that 1 billion people would join the ranks of the middle class by 2020.

'This is a cause for global celebration,' Raja Kingsley read on. 'The world's riches are being opened to all of its citizens, who in turn are contributing new values and advances that will propel the world economy to greater heights of shared prosperity.' The article attributed this rise in wealth to a 'new era of global inter-connectedness, where not just goods, but information and ideas flow across borders constantly and (for the most part) freely, as near universal access to Internet-enabled communication moves closer to reality.'

Commenting on this article, Raja Kingsley reminded viewers of Maharishi's saying: 'outer depends on inner'. Although on the surface, one might attribute this growing interconnectedness to the Internet, on a deeper level, it is consciousness which lies at the base of this positive global trend. 'Internet technology is the manifestation of the interconnectedness created by Maharishi through 50 years of teaching his programmes to millions, and of the billions of hours spent in transcendence by groups of Yogic Flyers. Maharishi's endeavours have enlivened the Unified Field at the basis of creation, which binds the universe together in unity. Mankind, thus, has become unified on a more manifest level, as revealed by Dr Orme-Johnson's findings and recent international news reports, giving way to a more equal distribution of wealth.'

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