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India's timeless Vedic heritage: Meeting the challenges of our modern age - Part III
by Dr John Hagelin*

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
30 January 2008

Building upon decades of research on such individual benefits [reported in Part II of this article] comes research on the positive impact of Transcendental Meditation on society as a whole. It is not surprising that a technique that creates more peaceful, creative, and dynamic individuals would contribute to a more peaceful, creative, and dynamic society. What is surprising is the degree to which merely a few thousand meditating individuals can positively affect trends throughout society. Researchers have found a remarkable 'spillover' effect, in which the calming, stress-reducing, creativity-enhancing power of Transcendental Meditation influences non-meditators in the social environment—especially when this meditation is practiced in groups.

The extraordinary power of such meditating groups in promoting positive social trends, while reducing crime, social violence, and even terrorism born of acute societal stress, has been well established through more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific studies.

Taking these studies to a new level, right now, in America's heartland, in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, and nearby Maharishi University of Management, a group of 2,000 experts are practising Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programmes, including the peace-promoting Yogic Flying technique, to create an intensified influence of peace and positivity in US national consciousness. Now entering its second year, this $12-million-a-year demonstration project, called the Invincible America Assembly, constitutes the largest sustained and rigorously controlled experiment in the history of social science.

As predicted in advance, the positive, coherent influence of the group is having a marked impact on national consciousness. It has bolstered the national mood and increased investor and consumer confidence, which has, in turn, strengthened the economy and driven the markets to unprecedented heights. Simultaneously, the US government has responded with more peaceful initiatives in North Korea, the Middle East, and other critical hotspots throughout the world. (See

It is utterly remarkable to see how the widely misunderstood and nearly forgotten tradition of ancient India—the Vedic science and technologies of consciousness—has entered the American mainstream to powerfully enhance human health and brain potential and to successfully address the widespread challenges of our modern age.

Global Good News comment:

Please also see Part I and Part II of this article.

View the entire article (with photographs) by Raja Dr John Hagelin* at—on pages 8-12 of Maharishi in the World Today: Six Articles (This PDF file takes less than one minute to download.)

* Dr John Hagelin is a world-renowned quantum physicist, author, educator, and public policy expert, and the Raja (Administrator) of Invincible America for the Global Country of World Peace.

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