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Good news report from Canada

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31 January 2008

14 January was the 14th day of the seventh month of the second year of Canadian national consciousness rising to invincibility, as indicated by the following press reports:

14 January 2008

CBC News - Canadian economy to shine this year, Conference Board says (14 January 2008) The Canadian economy will experience slightly better growth this year than last, the Conference Board of Canada predicted in a surprisingly optimistic forecast Monday. The country should see its real GDP grow by 2.8 per cent in 2008, the board said in its quarterly economic forecast. The board's optimistic outlook is based on its view that domestic spending will continue to be robust this year—with domestic demand forecast to grow by 3.4 per cent. Inflation, it says, will drop to just 1.3 per cent because of a high Canadian dollar and the 1 January cut in the GST.

From a Reuters Canada report on this: The board said many of the positive conditions that have stimulated Canada's economy remain in place, such as strong job growth and wage gains. The outlook for corporate profits is positive for 2008, thanks largely to high resource prices. The board also noted that strong profitability, combined with announced reductions in corporate taxes, appears to have reignited private investment by firms.

From a Canadian Press report on this: The Conference Board said that federal tax reductions, strong job growth, and wage gains will maintain the economy's momentum in 2008.

The Canadian Press - Survey finds Canadian business mood still upbeat (14 January 2008) Canadian businesses expect to hire more workers amid continued sales growth, the Bank of Canada's winter survey released Monday suggests. The poll showed corporate leaders expected that solid domestic demand for their products over the next 12 months would offset a stronger Canadian dollar. In addition, 42 per cent of firms expected to hire more workers, as opposed to only 12 per cent expecting to have fewer.

From a Canadian Economic Press report on this: Canadian businesses are marching optimistically into 2008, economists said Monday. RBC assistant chief economist Paul Ferley said the Bank of Canada's winter Business Outlook Survey showed firms 'remained surprisingly upbeat about their near-term outlook with little change from the survey results recorded in the fall.'

From a Globe and Mail report on this: The Bank of Canada's latest business outlook survey, that polled a cross-section of sectors meant to reflect the structure of the Canadian economy, suggests the economy is still in overdrive.

The Windsor Star on trends in real estate (14 January 2008) The Emerging Trends in Real Estate Report 2008, released by US-based Urban Land Institute and PricewaterhouseCoopers, sheds light on why Canada isn't expected to experience a downturn. Given the combination of consistent and relatively low interest rates and the fact that Canada's population continues to grow, it's not surprising that more and more people continue to enter the real estate market. In addition, Canada benefits from avoiding speculative building. As well, all mortgages in Canada are insured. Also, Canadian federal surpluses have given consumers more confidence which has led to increased spending on homes, retail goods and business expansion.

The Financial Post - Fairmont Hotels and Resorts to reduce carbon footprints (13 January 2008) Toronto-based Fairmont Hotels is teaming up with the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) so the hotelier can draw up a plan to fight climate change. The WWF is going to spend a couple of months helping Fairmont study the hotel chain's carbon footprint. Once they've figured that out, WWF and Fairmont will design a plan under which the hotelier will try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Fairmont said it expects the plan to involve better energy efficiency through a variety of means, including the use of renewable energy and the promotion of energy conservation on the part of staff. 'As a global player in the hotel and tourism sector, I applaud Fairmont's leadership in tackling the single largest environmental issue facing the planet—global warming,' said Mike Russill, chief executive of WWF-Canada.

The Globe and Mail - BC unveils huge transit plan (14 January 2008) The British Columbia government unveiled a C$14-billion transit and transportation strategy, calling it a key measure in the province's plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The strategy is highlighted by C$10.3-billion towards four new rapid transit lines in Metro Vancouver. Another C$1.2-billion has been earmarked for a new energy-efficient, high-capacity RapidBus BC service along nine major routes in Kelowna, Victoria and Metro Vancouver. The government says the project will save 4.7 million tonnes in greenhouse gases—about the equivalent of parking all the cars and light trucks in Metro Vancouver for a full year.

From a CBC News report on this: The plan included C$1.6-billion for 1,500 new, clean energy buses, such as hybrids and fuel cell vehicles, that would be used in communities throughout the province.

From a CanWest News Service report on this: 'This plan will provide fast, reliable, green transit that acts as a catalyst to change the nature and form of all our communities—urban, suburban, and rural,' Premier Campbell said.

The Globe and Mail - BC keeps native education on national agenda (14 January 2008) 'One of the solutions to our human resource challenges is First Nations,' BC Premier Gordon Campbell said after his meeting with first ministers at 24 Sussex. His prize from the meeting was an acknowledgment from his counterparts that by directing resources to aboriginal education, the Canadian economy will benefit as a whole. 'We all identified First Nations' skills development and training as a critical component of meeting our national objective. What was important was we were talking about it as a national agenda, not just exclusively a First Nations' agenda, which is plenty in itself, but to hear it spoken about at the national table I think is very positive.' The Premier says his strategy is working, citing aboriginal education and health agreements, as well as two native treaties. Mr Campbell said the education deal in particular 'is seen as a forerunner of what should be taking place' across Canada.

The Canadian Press - Bernier tells Israel Canada committed to helping Mideast peace process (14 January 2008) On a two-day official visit to the Mideast, Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier said Canada's pledge of C$300 million in aid to the Palestinians, the fifth-largest commitment from international donors, will be beneficial to Israel as well. 'But we are doing that because we want Israel to be able to live in peace and security with its neighbours,' Bernier explained. 'Canada is 100 per cent beside the peace process. It's very important for us.'

From a Toronto Star report on this: Bernier met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, in an effort to provide a Canadian impetus to the search for Mideast peace. 'I came to the region to further boost this process and to offer Canada's assistance to ensure that progress toward a lasting peace is achieved,' Bernier said.

Government of Canada - Minister Bernier concludes successful meetings in India (12 January 2008) Maxime Bernier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, concluded a three-day visit to India during which he explored ways of deepening relations between Canada and India. During his visit, Mr Bernier met with Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath. The discussions by the ministers included enhanced trade and investment opportunities, the environment and science and technology. 'I was very pleased with my first visit to India—the first by a Canadian foreign minister in five years. It has been very successful, and is in keeping with our government's commitment to further strengthen our relationship with India,' Minister Bernier said.

These are a few of the news reports reflecting Canada's rising invincibility from the growing Yogic Flying groups across Canada and the Invincible America Assembly at Maharishi University of Management and Maharishi Vedic City, USA.

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