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Two projects to guarantee global Invincibility: Address of Dr Harris Kaplan - Part II
by Global Good News staff writer

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18 January 2008

Dr Harris Kaplan, Raja (Administrator) of India for the Global Country of World Peace, continued his address during the 12 January 2008 Global Celebration by discussing the second major project being undertaken in honour of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, that will guarantee invincibility for the world—Maharishi Towers of Invincibility with schools or universities. (Please visit: 'Creating a global shrine of Invincibility: More than 48 countries to hold ground-breaking ceremonies ...'.)

'I have been marvelling, probably as everybody has also,' Dr Kaplan said, 'at the enormity of the implications of the second project, which is Maharishi Towers of Invincibility, first in 48 countries throughout the world, and then very soon to be in all. And what has been striking me so deeply is that, in looking at this beautiful tower, the Maharishi Tower of Invincibility, we see a physical encapsulation of emptiness of space, the hollowness of the seed contained within gorgeous white marble. We see total silence reverberating in a monument.

'But what's particularly striking about this monument—unlike any monument in the world—is that, as Maharishi said, it's not enough that it has that, beautiful though it would be, and as much of a place of pilgrimage it would be to go to that home of infinite silence—but that Maharishi said it would be a place of Total Knowledge as well. And that's because it would be impossible for Maharishi to create a monument which wouldn't have within the field of total Natural Law—the Veda, the organizing structuring dynamics which are always and always present within the eternal silence of Natural Law.

'And so when we think of these magnificent, beautiful, perfectly named Maharishi Towers of Invincibility, we feel so fortunate that there's a home on the physical, manifest level which mirrors precisely the Constitution of the Universe that in silence is always and always the potential of total Natural Law to rise up in all positivity, in all harmony, in its perfection. And so we see the third step of the manifestation of perfection in life.

'The first step, which is the field of Total Knowledge, which has silence and the dynamic organizing power of knowledge within it, creating within that, always linked to within that, Kriya Shakti. And then we see through the grace of our own divine fortune with Maharishi, that our own physiology has that—that we are all, only and only through the grace of Maharishi, Towers of Invincibility, having at our silent core eternal silence, and having within that eternal silence this miracle of Gyan Shakti, the Veda, lively and as nothing else than our own physiology in every level—in structure, in form—our physiology is nothing other than Veda. And so Maharishi has given us that level of ourselves.

'And the third level he has given to us now, on the level of the world—that we'll have in every country, a physical manifestation of that level of totality of Natural Law lively. And then reverberating from those places, reverberating from Maharishi Towers of Invincibility, they'll be located in Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars in all those areas, connected then to Brahmanand Saraswati* as Maharishi has inescapably, blessedly connected, always and always to Guru Dev, and then connected there to the 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars of India.

'This perfection in administration, as the Prime Minister just beautifully said, recounting the glory of the structure of the Brahmanand Saraswati Trust, can only have come from Maharishi-ji. And we are so fortunate, Maharishi, that in giving us this charge you have given us that way to answer our own clapping. We want to do that so much, Maharishi. It's such a joy! It's such a supreme honour to be able to have that great blessing.

'I was so struck by the beauty of the words of the Prime Minister when he was recounting Maharishi's travels [throughout the world over many years teaching and establishing his worldwide Transcendental Meditation Movement]. And I was thinking of that expression as well that Maharishi-ji said came to his mind yesterday—Na Guror adhikam**, because we know in that description there are three words that are usually said: Na Guror adhikam tattvam, Na Guror adhikam gyanam, Na Guror adhikam tapah. And we always and always have known: there is no truth higher than Maharishi's truth. There is absolutely no knowledge higher than Maharishi's knowledge. There is no Tapah—there's no performance of total Natural Law in the face of anything that can possibly come to the base of the pedestal on which Maharishi's activities rise. Na Guror adhikam tattvam, Na Guror adhikam gyanam, Na Guror adikam tapah, Tasmai Shri Gurave namah.

'And in response to all this tremendous opportunity which our beloved Maharishi-ji has given us—the unfathomable chance that for us to have had total Natural Law come and knock on our door when we didn't even know where we could find it—we echo the words of Maharishi.

'On behalf of my wife, on behalf of the whole world family, we feel those words which Maharishi said at the conclusion of Love and God, and which came as the clapping end—of 50 years ago clapping and 50 years of clapping later—Guru Dev's divine plan of spiritual regeneration of the world is being worked out quite naturally by the stronghold of time which is found marking a change in human destiny. We only pray him to keep on guiding us. Na Guror adhikam. Na Guror adhikam. Jai Guru Dev.'

* The Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars are named in honour of Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas
** An aphorism from the Vedic Literature: There is nothing greater than the Guru.

Copyright © 2008 Global Good News(sm) Service

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