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Lynch promotes meditation on Israel trip
by Regan E. Doherty

The Associated Press    Translate This Article
15 October 2007

JERUSALEM (AP) - David Lynch, on a five-day visit to Israel to encourage transcendental meditation, met with Israeli President and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shimon Peres.

``Lynch is one of the greatest directors of our generation and a giant artist on his own, and it is a great honor for the state of Israel to host you and listen to you,'' Peres said Monday. ``The whole of Israel recognizes your work and is proud to host you.''

The 61-year-old director, who has received Oscar nominations for ``The Elephant Man,'' ``Blue Velvet'' and ``Mullholland Dr.,'' is visiting Israel to encourage transcendental meditation as a new approach to eliminating violence in schools and creating a peaceful world.

``Real peace is not just the absence of war, but the absence of all suffering, all negativity,'' Lynch said at the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School in Jerusalem. ``Change comes from within. From the first meditation, boom, you're there.''

Lynch has been meditating for more than 30 years.

He started the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace to promote transcendental meditation as a way to aid students in violence-ridden schools and bring about world harmony.

With meditation, Lynch said, the ``black cloud of negativity dissolves.''

Meditation can aid not only schoolchildren, but also bring tranquility to troubled regions of the world, he said.

``The experienced gardener doesn't worry about the leaves. Get at (the problem) from its roots,'' he said. ``A peace on the surface–it doesn't address the seeds of war ... it's a `peace' of paper.''

Lynch said if he had to choose between meditation and filmmaking, meditation would win.


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