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Brussels rises to call for Tower of Invincibility and for perfect health
by Global Good News staff writer

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16 September 2007

Following an advertisement in the Belgian press promoting the plan for building a Tower of Invincibility in the capital city, Brussels, the national newspaper Gazet van Antwerpen published an article describing the project.

It explained that the Tower of Invincibility in Brussels will be a school for 200 students, and that they will be trained to be the torchbearers of a peaceful and harmonious society. The article said that everyone can enroll for this school and that 'the 200 chosen ones will, among other things, learn the Transcendental Meditation technique and Yogic Flying.' It went on to explain that 'studies show that we can prevent, in Belgium, all forms of criminality and terrorism, if 350 citizens practise this meditation every day in the morning and in the evening at the same time.'

Reporting on the Maharishi Channel on 7 September, Dr. Lucien Mansour, Raja of Belgium of the Global Country of World Peace, announced that a builder with experience in constructing towers, had been found who is ready to build, and finance, the Tower of Invincibility. Dr. Mansour also reported that the people of Brussels had responded enthusiastically to a visit to the city of the Maharishi Ayurveda physician and pulse diagnosis expert, Dr. Gerritsma. 'We even had to turn people away because there was more demand than places available. So Dr Gerritsma will come back again in two months so that more people can take advantage of this opportunity.'

Dr. Mansour is very active with his colleagues in Brussels, promoting all the Vedic programmes formulated by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, including Maharishi Sthapatya Veda to build Fortune-Creating® homes and offices, Maharishi Jyotish and Yagya to 'avoid the danger that has not yet come', and Maharishi Gandharva Veda, classical music therapy from the ancient Vedic civilization.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good NewsSM Service.

Global Good News comment:

For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy, happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global Financial Capital of New York.

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