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Positive news continues on seventy-second day of 'Invincible Holland' course
by Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Holland

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
28 June 2006

Since the full moon in April, 400 Governors and Sidhas of the Global Country of World Peace have been assembled at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. They have come from all over Europe and are being trained personally by Maharishi to make their own countries invincible upon their return home after the assembly. Many positive changes for Holland are taking place during the assembly.

At present, the assembly is creating invincibility for Holland, since 400 Yogic Flyers flying together in one place is the 'Super Radiance' number required for the 16 million citizens of Holland. (For more information about the 'Super Radiance' phenomenon, see Global Good News Comment below.)

This is the news from the 72nd day of the 'Invincible Holland' assembly:

- The number of companies doing business in Holland has suddenly increased by almost 3 per cent, due to less stringent rules for starting a company, as well as the reorganization of large firms in 2004. Currently, there are a total of 1 million companies and company branches doing business in Holland.

- The press reports that clothing revenues have increased 20 per cent in May, as compared to 2005. The largest areas of increase have been in men's clothing with a 25 per cent increase, and children's clothing with a 30 per cent increase.

- The Minister of Immigration, Ms Rita Verdonk, made a wise and sensible deal with coalition partners regarding immigrants whose cases fell under the old regime. She received a three-month extension to organize the last few thousand cases—considering those with families first. She removed a naturalization exam, which appeared to be too difficult to pass even for local Dutch people, from the new law proposal. Parliament considered the difficulty as a discrimination against immigrants. In addition, approximately 1,000 pending cases will receive an extension due to dramatic and extenuating circumstances. The party chairman of one of the largest coalition parties commented that there is a strong intention to resolve this issue together.

- The press reported that the majority of Parliament wants to stimulate innovative research and development through more attractive tax breaks for patents and royalties.

- There has been an agreement reached among many diverse interest groups concerning the privatization of the Schiphol Airport, the press reported. Only minority shares will be sold, and shareholders will gain more say in the running of the airport.

- Currently, there are 108,000 Dutch millionaires, which is a 5.3 per cent increase over last year. For Holland, the definition of a millionaire is having assets of 1 million Euros, excluding their home. The 5.3 per cent increase is significantly higher than the European growth of 4.5 per cent, the press reports.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

Global Good News Comment:

Extensive published scientific research has shown that just a small group of Yogic Flyers in a nation is sufficient to raise the collective consciousness of the whole country to a high level of coherence and integration, which is the basis for prevention-oriented, problem-free administration—and invincibility for the nation. The size of the group—from several hundred to several thousand experts—depends upon the population size of the nation. Research shows that 400 Yogic Flyers is the required number to influence the entire population of 16 million people of Holland.

— Global Country of World Peace Press Release

To read the press release in its entirety, visit

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