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Signs of rising coherence continue on forty-fourth day of 'Invincible Holland' course
by Paul Gelderloos, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Holland

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29 May 2006

Since the full moon in April, 400 Governors and Sidhas of the Global Country of World Peace have been assembled at the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. They have come from all over Europe and are being trained personally by Maharishi to make their own countries invincible upon their return home after the assembly. Many positive changes for Holland are taking place during the assembly.

At present, the assembly is creating invincibility for Holland, since 400 Yogic Flyers flying together in one place is the 'Super Radiance' number required for the 16 million citizens of Holland.

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This is the news from the 44th day of the 'Invincible Holland' assembly:

- The press reported that farmers in Holland will soon be producing green energy on a large scale. Applications are rising for the installation of biogas—a system that transforms organic waste into methane fuel using anaerobic bacteria, thus allowing farmers to use manure as fuel. By next year it is expected that enough energy will be produced to supply 100,000 households. In the future up 1,2 million households could be served with this approach.

- The City Council of Amsterdam is going to maintain a weblog on which the mayor and the councilmen will describe the events of each week. The weblog will be a means for the City Council to maintain a close connection to the citizens of Amsterdam.

- The press reported that the percentage of obese adults is decreasing and more people are taking a sufficient amount of light exercise. Smoking and heavy drinking among youth has also decreased.

- The Dutch Cabinet supports giving 4 million Euros annually to enhance multicultural contacts within Holland. The Cabinet would like to support successful projects in communities and schools, hoping to improve social integration within Dutch society.

- The Prime Minister has been given a stronger position in the Cabinet. He is no longer only the first among his equals, but he is now really a government leader. Formerly he could only place subjects on the agenda with approval of the majority vote of the Cabinet. The Prime Minister now has more freedom to decide upon the agenda, which gives him more freedom in European affairs.

Copyright © 2006 Global Country of World Peace

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