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Maharishi Peace Palaces arrive, to open in September

The M.U.M. Review    Translate This Article
20 May 2006

Materials for the construction of two Maharishi Peace Palaces arrived last week, with completion of the two 12,000-square-foot buildings targeted for the beginning of September.

The Maharishi Peace Palaces, one for men and one for ladies, will be located north of the Library on the west side of Highway 1. They will aim to offer a full range of services to the community, from instruction in the Transcendental Meditation technique to Residence Courses to a diverse line of over 60 MAPI products, such as herbal formulas, clothing, teas, and aroma oils.

Materials for two Maharishi Peace Palaces to be constructed in the Brahmasthan of Maharishi Vedic City have also recently arrived. Also, Maharishi Peace Palaces are going up in other locations around the country, including Minnesota and Texas.

According to Wally DeVasier, director of the Maharishi Enlightenment Center, if all goes as planned, the Maharishi Peace Palaces will be in full operation in September. The foundation work is expected to be completed in June, at which time the premanufactured frame will rapidly be assembled.

The elegant buildings, clad in marble, will be constructed according to principles of Maharishi Vedic(SM) architecture, helping to insure the health, happiness, and success of the occupants.

The Maharishi Peace Palaces will offer services such as a day clinic for Maharishi Rejuvenation(SM) treatments, advanced techniques, instruction in the TM-Sidhi® program, and possibly the Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology(SM).

There will be a bookstore, and facilities for Residence Courses, including eight guest rooms in each of the buildings.

'This will give us a complete source for all of Maharishi's knowledge,' Mr. DeVasier said. 'It will be everything under one roof.'

He said that he hopes to create the warm and friendly atmosphere of a center for the Transcendental Meditation program that was common in the 1970s, when there were many such local centers around the country.

The buildings arrived as prefabricated modular parts for the frame. The construction company will contract for local services such as electrical and plumbing to complete the buildings, as well as buying materials locally for the walls and interior finish work.

Fundraising for the two Maharishi Peace Palaces is continuing.

Copyright © 2006, Maharishi University of Management

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