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The world is awake -- a bright future is dawning now for all mankind

Global Country of World Peace    Translate This Article
17 May 2006


Maharishi's Proclamation to the World Press


Group of 400 Yogic Flyers Established in Holland—Creating Coherent Collective Consciousness and Raising the Nation to Invincibility

Similar Groups Are Being Established in Every Country to Make Every Nation Invincible

'The world press is going to have only good news to report'

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi proclaimed that a 'bright new fortune' is dawning for all mankind right now—and Maharishi alerted the world press to watch for the good news that will be coming soon from all parts of the world.

Maharishi's declaration follows the recent announcement that a coherence-creating group of 400 Yogic Flyers has been established in Holland and is raising the nation to invincibility—with more such groups of Yogic Flyers now being established in countries throughout Europe—including Switzerland, Germany, and Austria—and around the world.

'The darkness of the night is coming to an end—and a bright new sun is rising,' Maharishi said. 'It's not going to be the same old problem-ridden world anymore. The world is awake. We are ringing the Bell of Invincibility for every nation.'

Maharishi's proclamation came during his recent global news conference. Maharishi's next news conferences will be held on 17 and 18 May, which will be broadcast live to all continents via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland.

Maharishi said the press in Holland is already reporting concrete signs of decreasing negativity and problems, and the good news of rising harmony, positivity, and invincibility in the life of the nation.

'It's happening in one country—Holland. It's happening right now—today—not sometime in the distant future. And soon it will happen everywhere because all countries are going to have a coherence-creating group of Yogic Flyers and rise to invincibility,' Maharishi said.

Yogic Flying enlivens bliss in individual consciousness and creates coherence in collective consciousness

Maharishi said that Yogic Flying enlivens the field of bliss—the Unified Field—in individual consciousness, and creates coherence in collective consciousness, which is the basis of prevention-oriented, problem-free administration in the nation. Extensive published scientific research has found that a small number of experts practising Yogic Flying together in a group are sufficient to reduce negative trends and strengthen positive tendencies throughout the whole of society. The number of experts required depends upon the population of the nation.

Maharishi's announcement follows his recent grand inaugurations of the new World Capital of Peace in the Brahmasthan (geographical center) of America in Washington Township, Kansas; the new Maharishi University of World Peace near Washington, DC; and the new Global Financial Center near New York City.

These inaugurations have been highlighted by the presence of a historic assembly of Global Ministers, Rajas, and other international leaders of Maharishi's Global Country of World Peace.

New Global Financial Center near New York City will provide a fortune-creating base for the world economy

In response to a press question, Maharishi explained that the new Global Financial Center near New York City will bolster the world's economy and eliminate global poverty—and thereby alleviate pervasive political problems. 'We will provide a new fortune-creating base for the world economy—and thereby eliminate the problems and weaknesses that plague politics in every nation. We will integrate the whole world family into one united Global Country of World Peace—and fulfill the aspirations of the wise throughout the ages,' Maharishi said.

'Dr Hagelin will administer the world in permanent peace'

Maharishi offered high praise for Dr John Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist, President of the US Peace Government, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace. 'Dr Hagelin is an enlightened scientist with deep insight into the knowledge and technology of Total Natural Law—with the ability to achieve whatever he wants to achieve. And what Dr Hagelin wants to achieve as a ruler is: all good to everyone, and non-good to no one,' Maharishi said.

Maharishi added that ever since Dr Hagelin inaugurated the World Capital of Peace in the Brahmasthan of America a few weeks ago, the 'fortune-creating' qualities of Natural Law have awakened in the collective consciousness of America and the world. 'A beautiful, fortune-creating destiny for the whole of mankind is quietly being designed by Total Natural Law—the Constitution of the Universe—which administers the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order. Dr Hagelin will soon administer the world in perpetual peace,' Maharishi said.

'All credit for this global transformation goes to the glorious tradition of Vedic masters'

Maharishi concluded by offering gratitude to the tradition of Vedic masters. 'All credit for this global transformation goes to the glorious tradition of Vedic masters, the custodians of the Constitution of the Universe, who are raising every nation to invincibility in our dear world family—bringing good fortune to all children in our generation and all generations to come,' Maharishi said.

Copyright © Global Country of World Peace

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