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World-Class Brain: Maharishi University of Management professors explore secrets of world-class performers
by Ken Chawkin

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29 April 2019

What Do the Brains of World-Class Performers Have in Common?

The brains of world-class performers are different from the brains of average performers. No surprise there. But what is surprising is that regardless of whether these top performers are athletes, musicians, or CEOs, their brains share one feature that makes them stand out: More integrated functioning. A world-class brain works in a more coherent, relaxed, wakeful, and efficient way.

A new book, World-Class Brain, tells the story of these top performers and offers an easy-to-read introduction to the research showing that their brain function is different. The 130-page book also describes other features that these top performers have in common, such as intensely happy and fulfilling peak experiences and a greater moral sense. Readers also learn how they, too, can effortlessly develop greater brain integration.

New Book Explores Secret of World-Class Performers

Coauthored by former Maharishi University of Management professor Harald Harung of Oslo Metropolitan University and MUM professor Fred Travis, World-Class Brain offers an easy-to-read account of the defining characteristic of world-class performers — an integrated brain — and how one can develop it.

World-Class Brain begins by outlining the results of three studies: on Olympic athletes, top managers, and symphony orchestra musicians. These top performers were found to have high levels of brain integration according to EEG measurements.

The book then explains in simple terms what brain integration means and presents various ways to increase it, such as playing a musical instrument, exercising, and meditation.

The authors then discuss the research on the Transcendental Meditation technique showing that it is the most effective way to develop high levels of brain integration.

The book goes into detail about peak experiences associated with brain integration in the several groups of subjects. It then discusses research on long-term practitioners of Transcendental Meditation who are experiencing higher states of consciousness and describes the defining characteristics of these higher states.

The final two chapters explain the research showing that brain integration can affect organizations and all of society.

World-Class Brain: A Textbook Teaching Tool

Co-author Harald S. Harung described editor Jim Karpen's great contribution to the book, ''which mainly had two components: The smooth progression of chapters and ideas, and making the language very easy, enjoyable, and readable.''

Co-author Fred Travis, director of the Center for Brain, Consciousness, and Cognition, and dean of the Graduate School at Maharishi University of Management, said they used the structure of the book's chapters to structure how the knowledge was taught to MBA students in China.

Dennis Heaton, professor and dean of the College of Business Administration at Maharishi University of Management, said, ''I'm using World-Class Brain with my MBA and PhD students, and they really appreciate how readable it is. The authors have written about the key to top performance in a way that's interesting and easy to understand. In addition, in the later chapters the book does an excellent job of distilling decades of research and theory, including higher states of consciousness.''

The book is available on Amazon.

Visit Dr. Harung's website for a list of English articles and YouTube videos of their research on top performers.

Visit Dr. Travis's website for the mission of the Brain Center, presentations, books and videos, and more.

Copyright © 2019 The Uncarved Blog

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