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Mind Over DNA: Transforming DNA from the inside out

Consciousness Talks    Translate This Article
10 August 2014

A recent talk by Robert Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C.,* is a featured video on ConsciousnessTalks—a monthly online series of TED-style talks focusing on the exploration and development of consciousness, presented by leading scientists, artists, and innovative thought-leaders from diverse fields.

In ''Mind Over DNA: Transforming DNA from the inside out,'' Dr. Schneider explains why TIME magazine says that your DNA is not your destiny.

Giving a new angle on epigenetics, Dr. Schneider explores how you can develop your consciousness to enrich your genes. He explains why and how you can use consciousness; what and how you think; as well as lifestyle choices, such as exercise, diet, supplements, and stress management—to improve your genetic makeup.

He also traces the historical development of modern medicine from the surface levels of surgery, to the finest levels of modern genomic medicine, and introduces the concept of quantum medicine and the role of the Transcendental Meditation technique in epigenetics.

Dr. Schneider's talk and others on the site were recorded live during last year's groundbreaking Our Conscious Future conference at Maharishi University of Management, exploring a future of new possibilities in field of human development.

Click here to view the 18-minute video of Dr. Robert Schneider's talk, ''Mind over DNA,'' online at

* Robert H. Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C., is a physician, scientist, educator, and one of the world's leading authorities on scientific, natural approaches for heart disease, high blood pressure, stress, and other cardiovascular risk factors. He is board-certified in preventive medicine, a certified specialist in clinical hypertension, and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology. He has directed nearly US$20 million in research grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for his pioneering research on natural approaches to heart disease. The results of this groundbreaking research have been published in more than 100 articles in authoritative medical journals and proceedings, and featured in more than 1,000 television, radio, magazine, and newspaper reports, including ABC's 20/20, CNN Headline News, Fox News, The New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal, and TIME magazine.

Copyright © 2014 Maharishi Foundation USA

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