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ConsciousnessTalks: New monthly video series explores consciousness

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3 January 2014

ConsciousnessTalks is a new monthly online series of videos focusing on the exploration and development of consciousness: ''Compelling talks to enrich your life and change the world.''

Each month ConsciousnessTalks will present TED-style talks by remarkable scientists, artists, and innovative thought leaders from diverse fields, highlighting the field of human development.

January—Available for viewing now on the ConsciousnessTalks website, this inaugural event features the first series of talks, from the extraordinary conference, Our Conscious Future, which took place last spring at Maharishi University of Management.

Pam Peeke

Series Premiere—Dr. Pamela Peeke on
''Your Brain's Reward Center: Hacked by a Cupcake''

How our brain develops unhealthy ''addictive'' habits—and how to reverse them.

Physician, scientist, and edutainer Dr. Pam Peeke* explores how the most sophisticated machine in the universe—the human brain—can develop unhealthy patterns, including food addictions, that can lead to a continuous cycle of poor decisions. Offering solutions, Dr. Peeke shows us how we can harness the emerging science of epigenetics to make lifestyle changes that can actually transform our own DNA. She is a proponent of the practice of Transcendental Meditation to promote better health and positive behaviors.

Click here to watch Part 1 of Dr Peeke's address.

More ConsciousnessTalks from Our Conscious Future

Dr. Peeke's presentation is just the first in a series of talks from the Our Conscious Future conference.

Eight visionary leaders converged to explore different facets of mind, body, and society and the emerging paradigms shaping our conscious future.

Click here to watch a 3-minute highlight video from the conference.

Next month will feature Dr John Hagelin's keynote address, ''Our Conscious Future.''

The home page of ConsciousnessTalks also features 1-minute video previews of other upcoming talks from the Our Conscious Future series:
∙ Renowned humanitarian Father Gabriel Mejia on Love and Transcendence: The Secrets of Lasting Rehabilitation
∙ Mind/body researcher Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, on Mind over DNA: Transforming DNA from the Inside Out—how our minds can influence our own patterns of health.
∙ Prudence Farrow Bruns, Ph.D., on The ''Dear Prudence'' Story: One Woman's Journey in Consciousness

* Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally renowned expert in the fields of nutrition, stress, and fitness. She is lifestyle expert for WebMD's 90 million members, host of Could You Survive?, chief medical correspondent for nutrition and fitness for Discovery Health TV, and founder of the Peeke Performance Center for Healthy Living. Dr. Peeke is a New York Times bestselling author; regular in-studio medical commentator for CNN, the Today show, Good Morning America, Fox, and Nightline; and columnist/contributing editor for numerous national magazines and online communities.

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