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Interview with Transcendence author Norman Rosenthal, MD featured online

Transcendental Meditation - USA
Distinguished Lecture Series
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8 June 2011

A recent interview with Norman Rosenthal, MD—author of Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation,* just released June 2—is now available online.

Transcendence, considered one of the most significant books ever published on the Transcendental Meditation Programme, is written for a popular audience in an engaging style.


In the Distinguished Lecture Series interview, Dr Rosenthal, a highly esteemed member of the scientific community, reads from and discusses the book, which covers topics ranging from reduction of stress to enlightenment.

Click here to view the 45-minute interview.

Dr. Rosenthal's brilliant and distinguished career in the fields of medicine, clinical psychiatry, and as a pioneering researcher at the National Institutes of Mental Health (US) are the backdrop for his newest and arguably most important discovery—the profound healing effects for mind and body that can be gained through the Transcendental Meditation technique.

Norman Rosenthal

In the interview, Dr. Rosenthal speaks about his personal journey as a scientist and physician that led him to research and experience first-hand the healing effects of meditation and the important role the TM program can play in ushering in a new paradigm of health in society.

Dr Rosenthal is a distinguished clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School. He served for 20 years as a senior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health. His research into seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and pioneering use of light therapy helped millions of people around the world.

In Transcendence, presenting a mix of fascinating stories, published research, and his own clinical and personal experience with Transcendental Meditation, Dr. Rosenthal illustrates the value of the TM program in promoting cardiac health, reducing anxiety and depression, and helping people who suffer from traumatic stress and addiction.

Dr. Rosenthal emphasizes that the TM technique can especially help highly successful people to live fuller and richer lives. He illustrates this in interviews with prominent meditators like Paul McCartney, Martin Scorsese, Moby, Russell Brand, and Laura Dern.

* Tarcher-Penguin 2011, ISBN 9781585428731. Transcendence was released June 2.

© Copyright 2011 Maharishi Foundation USA

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