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Dr Oz: Make meditation your New Year's resolution
by Jeanne Ball

Huffington Post    Translate This Article
4 January 2011

On 4 January 2011 Huffington Post reported: Dr Mehmet Oz, heart surgeon and practitioner of the Transcendental Meditation Programme, recommends the technique to help reduce stress and support heart health. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of health.

'Addressing the impact of stress and its toll on the human heart, Dr. Oz explained how the Transcendental Meditation technique reduces the three main risk factors for heart disease,' the article reported.

These factors are high cholesterol, high insulin or diabetes, and hypertension.

Extensive scientific research on the Transcendental Meditation Programme (TM) has demonstrated significant benefits. 'There have been about 50 randomized controlled trials on the TM technique alone, and the NIH [National Institutes of Health] has granted over $25 million for scientists to further research the practice,' the article stated.

The article included references to research in such publications as American Journal of Cardiology, American Journal of Hypertension, Journal of Human Stress, and Archives of Internal Medicine, as well as a video of Dr Oz speaking about the benefits of the technique.

A year-long study found that the practice of Transcendental Meditation lowered high cholesterol by 30 milliliters. 'Now, if you are on medication for cholesterol, we hope you can get 30 milliliters lower,' the article quoted Dr Oz as saying.

'A randomized clinical trial funded by the NIH,' Dr Oz continued, 'found improvements in insulin resistance, glucose and even insulin levels themselves, after just four months of TM practice, in over 100 people who had coronary blocks.'

'Meditation also helps reduce hypertension,' the article reported. 'Those practicing the TM technique had a significant reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, of 11 and 6, respectively. Those are big numbers. We don't get these kind of results all the time with medications,' Dr Oz explained.

No matter what one's New Year's resolutions might be, the Transcendental Meditation Programme can help support good health and reduce stress to make it easier to keep them, the article concluded.

Global Good News comment:

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