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Maharishi's unparalleled contribution to the field of health: Dr Anand Srivastava - Part I
by Global Good News staff writer

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22 August 2008

During the Guru Purnima celebrations of the Global Country of World Peace, held in MERU, Holland, in late July, Dr Ananda Srivastava, Chairman and Managing Director of Maharishi Ayurveda Products, spoke about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's unparalleled contribution in the field of health: the whole thought process of society has turned around from disease to health. 'He switched on a light in a dark room,' said Dr Srivastava..

Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, introduced Dr Srivastava, to whom Maharishi gave the responsibility to produce all the ancient, perfect traditional remedies and preventive measures to the highest level of purity and exactitude according to the Vedic Literature. 'Maharishi had guided him year after year,' said Dr Morris.

Dr Morris said that, keeping in mind that the largest industry in the world is health care and in the US, 12% of the gross national product (GNP) is from that alone, this is a huge area of consideration. He requested Dr Srivastava to speak about the plans of how Maharishi Ayurveda Products will be expanded in the world so that this becomes the predominant kind of healthcare product for the whole human race.

Dr Srivastava began by saying that in the area of health, no amount of words can describe Maharishi's contribution—he has turned thinking from disease to health; the whole thought process of society has turned around from disease to health. 'In Maharishi's own words,' said Dr Srivastava, ' ''When our attention goes to something that thing improves, that thing increases.'' In a simple way, Maharishi has switched on the light in a dark room.'

Dr Srivastava recounted a story that when Maharishi first set the directions for Maharishi Ayur-Veda, he gave the objective of creating a disease-free society. 'Thinking of this at that time, when we didn't have even cures for simple problems, I remember the faces of everyone present; they were all awestruck by what Maharishi was saying. Just thinking of one person free from disease was difficult, but a whole society? It was only at Maharishi's level that one could think of this.'

Dr Srivastava said that as things started unfolding and more and more research came in, they felt more confident, finding themselves progressing. 'All the research indicated that Maharishi Ayur-Veda, given to us by the great Rishis [seers of the Veda] is not a simple knowledge of medicine. It's not something which works at that molecular level. It is something much finer and works at a much deeper level.

'This research on Maharishi Ayur-Veda proves that it's not a chemical or component in the medicine that works. The research indicates very clearly that Nature's intelligence actually flows into human intelligence and re-enlivens the intelligence that somehow got suppressed because of external stresses or other things. When a particular organ has begun functioning in a less than expected manner then we re-enliven it.

'This is Maharishi's contribution,' said Dr Srivastava.

Global Good News will feature Part II of Dr Srivastava's presentation in the coming days.

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