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Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories - Part I - Pure food to support higher states of consciousness
by Global Good News staff writer

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13 October 2007

Dr John Fagan, Raja (Administrator) of Texas for the Global Country of World Peace—with special global responsibility for food purity and safety—recently discussed the importance of pure food and the establishment of Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories to provide a sound scientific basis for assuring food purity.

'Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories are based on the principle that 'pure food is essential for that quality of brain functioning required for higher states of consciousness,' Dr Fagan said.

'The Maharishi Invincibility Laboratories will provide a sound scientific basis for assuring that the food that we eat is pure. This will create the basis for [an] invincible physiology and invincible consciousness for the whole population—and the goal really is purity of food for the whole population of the world.'

Organic agriculture provides a profound level of food purity. Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture goes beyond the most rigorous existing standards for organic food, and provides nutrition on more subtle levels, infusing greater intelligence and orderliness into the food, Dr Fagan said, referring to a recent talk by Vedic Organic Agriculture expert Dr John Konhaus.

Dr Fagan explained that in contrast to nutritionists who look at a very superficial level of food safety, purity, and nutrition, Maharishi Invincibility laboratories will not look just at the toxins and the superficial value, but will go deeper into nutrition, and examine what it is that provides deep and fulfilling and enlivening nutrition—that enlivens every level of the physiology, from the gross all the way to the subtle transcendental value of the food. The whole range of nutrition will be evaluated.

'Of course, we have to begin at the surface level, Dr Fagan said, 'because at this point there are some serious problems in food purity around the world. So we set up a four-tier laboratory programme to . . . address all of the issues from this gross level of toxins to the subtle level of that kind of nutrition that is capable of enlivening the consciousness of the individual.'

Dr Fagan's discussion of the four tiers will be featured in Part II of this article.

Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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