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Hollywood PR expert, producer, director speak to MUM students in Film MA

Maharishi University of Management - The Review    Translate This Article
23 October 2013

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Maharishi University of Management students in the new David Lynch MA in Film* are enjoying hearing stories and receiving advice from the inner circles of Hollywood, including marketing expert John Raatz, director/screenwriter Jeremy Kagan, producer Bill Borden, and even a brief phone call from actor Jim Carrey.

Mr. Raatz, a representative for Jim Carrey, Martin Sheen, and Madonna, offered the students a two-day workshop on transformational media, which focuses on raising awareness. He was the marketing genius behind the film What the Bleep Do We Know?, which featured world-renowned quantum physicist and MUM trustee Dr John Hagelin. Mr. Raatz and Mr. Carrey are co-founders of the Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

* Describing the new MA program when it was first announced in August, legendary filmmaker David Lynch said, ''This master's degree in film will for sure teach all the aspects of filmmaking, but with the profound addition of the Transcendental Meditation technique, taught by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This will give all those in the program the ability to dive within, to transcend and experience that unbounded ocean of pure consciousness, which is unbounded intelligence, creativity, happiness, love, energy, power and peace. The students in this program will grow in these all-positive qualities and it will serve the work in glorious ways. The big secret to great filmmaking, I believe, lies within in the big treasury within us all. This will be a great program and you'll never be sorry you took part.''

Source: Adapted from The Review

Copyright © 2013 Maharishi University of Management

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