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At Thai school for girls, Transcendental Meditation improves behaviour and understanding
by Global Good News staff writer

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23 April 2013

The Dhammajarinee Witthaya School for Girls in Thailand provides education, and in many cases a home, for disadvantaged and at-risk girls.

Acharn Yai, the director and principal of the school, explained, 'Dhammajarinee Witthaya School is the first and only Buddhist boarding school in Thailand. We follow the standard curriculum, provide life skills training and Buddhist teachings to culture ethics.'

In addition, the school teaches all its students Transcendental Meditation, 'a tool to develop their consciousness,' said Acharn Yai. 'It actually allows the mind to transcend faster and helps us understand Buddhist teachings from a deeper level.'

But this is not the only benefit the school has found with Transcendental Meditation. Many of the students come from broken homes, or are orphans who have been vulnerable to abuse and violence.

Kru Muay, a teacher at the Dhammajarinee Witthaya School, has noticed improvements in behaviour as well. 'When the semester began for the new students, coming from different places, their behaviour was quite aggressive,' she said. 'But since they have started meditating they have greatly improved in their behaviour, in their studies, in their relationship with the teachers and their fellow students.'

Maliwan, a high school student, agreed. 'Back home I was a hot-tempered person, but since I learned TM, I feel a lot calmer. I feel that I'm happier and my learning ability is better. I feel that I'm happy all day.'

Acharn Yai has noticed these changes as well. She explained, 'It becomes much easier to take care of them. The aggressive behaviour decreases, their grades go up and they pay more attention to what we teach them. When they have inner happiness they soak up whatever knowledge we give, unlike before.'

She added that in addition to improving their behaviour, she also wants to give the students warmth, love, and understanding.

'I would like to see our students grow in the right direction and be good citizens of society. I want to see them graduate from college so they are able to support themselves.'

And when they raise the next generation of children, Acharn Yai wants them to remember all they have learned at Dhammajarinee Witthaya School.

'I want them to be good mothers for their children so we can free our society from the vicious cycle it's in today.'

See related article:
Thai school for disadvantaged girls benefits from Transcendental Meditation

Copyright © 2013 Global Good News Service

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