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Students realize their full potential at Maharishi University of Management

Maharishi University of Management    Translate This Article
22 October 2012

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Please click on the following link to read more about 'Students realize their full potential at MUM'.

Maharishi University of Management (MUM) students Coral and Melodia Morales came to Fairfield, Iowa, USA, at the age of seven. Their parents wanted them to attend Maharishi School so they left behind their home and life in Chile and relocated to Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

After graduating from Maharishi School, the twins spent four years playing professional tennis in the International Tennis Federation.

They have always enjoyed making art, so when they were ready to attend college they chose MUM's Media and Communications major to study photography and film. ''Consciousness-Based education* is experience-based,'' said Melodia. The professors not only give lectures, as in other colleges, she said, but ''they also give you a chance to apply that knowledge yourself.''

''We really like our Media and Communication classes because they are hands-on,'' said Coral. In addition to making several of their own short videos, Melodia and Coral completed two internships with MUM Distance Education and volunteered for DLF.TV — David Lynch Foundation Television.

Enjoy the full article on the Excellence in Action page.

* Maharishi University of Management features Consciousness-Based Education to develop students' inner potential while they pursue their academic studies. All students, faculty, and staff practice the Transcendental Meditation program, which has been shown through extensive published scientific research to boost learning ability and creativity, improve brain functioning, and reduce stress—while creating an academic environment renowned for its dynamic, harmonious, and enriching quality of life.

© Copyright 2012 Maharishi University of Management

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