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Transcendental Meditation finds support among educators in Guatemala, Peru
by Global Good News staff writer

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15 November 2011

New groups of children, students, faculty, and workers in Latin America are learning Transcendental Meditation and its advanced techniques, including Yogic Flying. In the past few months alone, hundreds of new meditators are seeing benefits in themselves while they create waves of coherence throughout the area as a result of their group practice.

Many peer-reviewed, published research studies have shown that groups of people practising Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's technologies of consciousness together create a measurable effect of decreased crime and social violence, and increased coherence and harmony in the environment.

In Peru, a few projects incorporating Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying include a school and a development company. Pedro Ojeda, a teacher of Transcendental Meditation in the region, commented that the participants are not limited to the development leaders.

Even workers in the development project are joining in and learning the advanced Yogic Flying technique 'with great enthusiasm and joyfulness', he said.

In Guatemala, three different groups are learning Yogic Flying as well.

The first group is in an orphanage. Mr Ojeda elaborated, 'It is a foundation that takes care of underprivileged children.'

So far, a few hundred of the children have learned Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying.

The other two groups are based in a large city in Guatemala and include different schools and foundations. Again, as with the programme in Peru, all the staff and school directors are participating in this project.

In these two groups, about 180 people have learned Yogic Flying. Mr Ojeda said, 'The experience was so satisfying . . . . In the development of the programme there was very deep silence and deepest appreciation.'

He went on to explain that the programme has been successful because there is full support from the owners of the school to implement Maharishi's technologies of consciousness.

Mr Ojeda said the school directors have 'a deep commitment to expand their students and their numbers' participating in the programme.

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