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Sri Lanka: Transcendental Meditation boosts student achievement at computer institute
by Global Good News staff writer

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3 September 2011

Many students and faculty at a computer institute in Sri Lanka have learnt the Transcendental Meditation Programme, which has contributed to their academic success, as demonstrated at an international conference.

The Java Institute of Sri Lanka, a computer institute in the city of Colombo, signed a memorandum of understanding in early 2010 with the International Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education, to introduce Transcendental Meditation among its students. In the first few months after that, 140 students and faculty at the Institute learnt the technique, and more have continued to learn.

In November 2010, the Java World Congress was held at the Institute, which was combined with the students' graduation and an exhibition of their work, and visitors commented on how much Transcendental Meditation had contributed to students' success. Among those attending the conference were top officials in education and science in Sri Lanka, as well as foreign delegations from the US, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Greece, and Norway.

At the World Congress, presentations were given by school leaders and directors of the Transcendental Meditation Programme on the benefits of Consciousness-Based Education for the Java Institute, as well as for all science-based programmes. Student projects included in the exhibitions were software and remote controlled vehicles, which were impressive to all conference attendees. The event was very well covered by the press.

Another such conference will take place at the Institute in 2011, said Col Gunter Chassé, a retired officer in the German Air Force who is an expert in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Invincible Defense Technology. Col Chassé recently toured the nation, and will also be presenting to the faculty at the Institute on how to develop the full potential of the brain through Transcendental Meditation.

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