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Mother describes how Transcendental Meditation helps child with Asperger's
by Global Good News staff writer

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27 July 2011

The mother of a child with Asperger's syndrome says the Transcendental Meditation Programme has had a tremendous positive impact on her child's life, including lessening of temper tantrums and doing better in school.

Presenting these benefits on a video, the mother explains that 'Asperger's is a high functioning autism. And with autism what happens is that people have a great deal of difficulty relating to other people.'

'It's very typical of someone with Asperger's that they would have very deep interests,' she continues. When he was young he spent hours playing with his train set, but he wouldn't play with the other babies in his baby play group.

Later he had difficulties both at home and at school. 'We had a lot of problems with him. He'd throw some temper tantrums when he didn't get something he wanted—and that was pretty frequent,' she says. After he learned the Transcendental Meditation Programme, she and her husband noticed that 'he hasn't had a temper tantrum in a while.'

When they started getting feedback from his school, 'we were astounded, really.'

At a parent-teacher conference, 'the teachers, every single one, right down the line, exclaimed at how much he had improved'.

His grades rose as well. 'He got straight A's, and he's maintained that,' she says.

In the coming days Global Good News will continue to feature comments from the mother as well as her son about how Transcendental Meditation has helped him with Aspergers.

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