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Renowned psychiatrist and bestselling author Norman Rosenthal addresses MUM commencement ceremonies

Maharishi University of Management, USA    Translate This Article
2 July 2011

An audience of 1,000 attended graduation ceremonies today in the Golden Dome on the campus of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa. The 275 graduating students representing 44 countries earned degrees across a spectrum of MUM's academic programs. Of 222 graduate students, 195 completed master's degrees in Computer Science or Business Administration. The rest earned a variety of other graduate degrees, including four PhDs—two in Maharishi Vedic Science, one in Management, and one in Physiology. The 53 undergraduates earned BA's in Business, Sustainable Living, or Media & Communications.

This year's commencement address was delivered by Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D., distinguished Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School, former senior researcher at the National Institute of Mental Health, and author of the bestselling new book, Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation.

Norman Rosenthal

During his 20 years at the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Rosenthal achieved renown by leading the team that identified and described Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), and pioneered the use of light therapy to treat it.

Dr. Rosenthal was awarded the prestigious Anna Monika Foundation Research prize for his contribution to research in treating depression. He has been listed as one of the Best Doctors in America and as one of this country's top psychiatrists.

He is the author or coauthor of over 200 professional articles and four popular books, including Winter Blues, The Emotional Revolution, St. John's Wort and How to Beat Jet Lag.

He currently serves as medical director and CEO of Capital Clinical Research Associates in Rockville, Maryland, where he directs clinical trials in both pharmaceuticals and complementary and alternative medicine.

Dr. Rosenthal has also maintained a private practice in the Washington, D.C. area for the past 30 years, where he treats a wide variety of psychiatric problems using many forms of therapy.


His newest book, Transcendence: Healing and Transformation through Transcendental Meditation, has been garnering critical acclaim and endorsements from people like filmmaker David Lynch, CNN anchor Candy Crowley, cardiac surgeon and media personality Mehmet Oz, M.D., hip hop mogul Russell Simmons, among others.

The book is a powerful first-person account of Dr. Rosenthal's own journey of self-development as well as a compelling chronicle of the healing and transformations he has witnessed among scores of his patients and A-list celebrities who were struggling with acute stress, anxiety, depression, heart disease, addiction, and learning disorders.

Dr. Rosenthal's engaging style skillfully weaves details of scientific research on TM with stories from people's lives, showing how it explains the benefits his patients and friends are experiencing. Topics include managing stress, treating anger and anxiety, ADHD, depression, addiction, school performance, achieving one's full potential, and harmony in society.

Dr. Rosenthal has appeared on the Today show, Good Morning America, National Public Radio, and many other programs in the US and throughout Europe.

Global Good News will feature more about Dr Rosenthal's address in the Excellence in Action section.

* Tarcher-Penguin 2011, ISBN 9781585428731

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