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MUM Distance Education offers new Maharishi Yoga Asanas course online

Maharishi University of Management, USA    Translate This Article
24 June 2011

''To stabilize any pose of mind with the cosmic pose of infinity is the purpose of Asana. That means create a habit through the program of Yoga Asanas that whatever be the state of the body, it is never out of alignment with the cosmic physiology.'' —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi University of Management Online Distance Education announces the new Maharishi Yoga Asanas course. This updated course, structured in detail by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation® technique and Maharishi University of Management, includes new asana instruction not previously taught in any other course.

The course is titled: ''Maharishi Yoga Asanas: Vedic exercise to enliven mind-body coordination to support pure awareness, the state of Yoga.''

Participants will learn the knowledge of how to relieve stress, develop greater flexibility, improve sleep, balance digestion and weight, and deepen the experience of silence and expansion of consciousness through the Maharishi YogaSM Asanas course. Whether expert or beginner, this course will give students the most authentic and profound understanding and practice of Maharishi Yoga Asanas.

Even if one has been practicing yoga for decades, this practical course will take the student to a new level of experience—giving deep insight into the correct and effortless practice of yoga asanas. The course includes detailed instruction in each asana, the subtle technique of doing asanas properly, the specific benefits of each asana for the mind and body, and a survey of the scientific research that validates the benefits of each asana.

The course is taught by Paul Morehead, Ph.D., Co-Chairman of MUM's Department of Physiology and Health. Although the course is self-paced and all materials are available on demand, Dr. Morehead will hold live web-based question and answer sessions at scheduled times during the course. These sessions will be recorded for later review or for those who are unable to attend the live sessions.

This is a rare opportunity to gain a more complete understanding of how yoga asanas are intended to create balance in the entire physiology.

The course begins July 15. To learn more or to register for the course, go to: and select the Maharishi Yoga Asanas course (PH 263).

Global Good News will feature more about the new Maharishi Yoga Asanas course at MUM.

© Copyright 2011 Maharishi University of Management

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