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University leader from Balkans: 'We have been moving in the same track' as Maharishi's approach
by Global Good New sstaff writer

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17 January 2011

Having described great achievements of the past four years in establishing a successful academic programme, with top faculty and a beautiful campus, at a rapidly expanding university in Macedonia, a distinguished senior leader in education and diplomacy from the Balkans* described the broad vision of harmony and unity that has guided his university's founding and development. He and other leaders envision this goal being fulfilled with major contributions from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's programmes and technologies of consciousness.

'Since the beginning, the university has been led by the vision to have a university with neither borders nor xenophobia,'** he said, addressing an assembly in MERU, Holland, of administrators of the organizations teaching the Transcendental Meditation Programme around the world. 'Maybe this is not so understandable in some other areas in the world—but it's the most tough challenge for the Balkan regions. . . . It's a good vision' giving an important perspective, he added.

'We recently realized that we have been moving in the same track with the Maharishi philosophy,' he said, and warmly thanked the assembled administrators for bringing the great experience and expertise of their organizations to help realize this vision for his university and the whole region.

He presented a profound analysis of the current situation in the Balkans, stemming from its recent history, and the key role of universities in transforming Balkan society from the negative legacy of the past to a better future.

'International academic partnership and cooperation is a spirit of success in the universities. It is available all over the world,' he continued. 'But it is a condition sine qua non for the Balkan region especially. In the Balkans our vision to have a university with neither boundaries nor xenophobia is a prerequisite—in order to leave the past behind, and to concentrate our efforts in future building.

'This future building should be prepared in the university by an open-mind philosophy; open mental society; open . . . borders; open civilized and globalized world.

'I know that these visions are ambitious for all over the world, and Maharishi did so much [in this area], and we have to do it in the future together. But in the Balkans, these visions are not simply ambitions for our universities, but they are really challenges, systematically obstructed by tough obstacles everywhere and every time.

'Nationalism, racism, all kinds of xenophobia, and all forms of discrimination, are still alive in the different areas, levels, and shapes in the Balkans. The current Balkan situation is ''no war, no peace''.

'The best ways, means, mechanisms, instruments, to move the Balkans from this delicate status quo, toward sustainable peace and development, can take place in universities,' he said. 'But not through national, isolated universities—only through regional projects, in close partnership and cooperation with international universities from all over the world.'

This is why, he said, his university 'has chosen Maharishi European Research University (MERU) as one of the top partners to develop together, university projects in order to move, little by little, the Balkans from the status quo toward a better future.'

The leader went on to explain more fully why Maharishi's educational programmes and technologies of consciousness had drawn his attention. He described many ways in which they would benefit his university and its students and faculty and contribute to achieving this vision of peace and progress for the Balkan region.

* The distinguished speaker was the first member of a three-person delegation from Balkan nations to address the assembly in MERU. Global Good News will feature more of his address, as well as those of the other delegation members.

Please see other Global Good News articles on the delegation's visit:
Distinguished delegation from Balkans visits MERU, Holland
Education leaders from Balkans praise Consciousness-Based Education
Creating a university of unity and harmony in the Balkans

** Xenophobia: Fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners, or what is strange or foreign.

© Copyright 2011 Global Good News®

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