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Westchester educators taught about TM
by David Novich

The Journal News    Translate This Article
4 May 2006

On 4 May 2006 The Journal News reported: The Committee for Stress-Free Schools in Westchester, New York, USA, recently hosted a conference on the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Technique for students and the possibility of incorporating the TM Programme into the local schools. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of education.

The conference, held at the Hilton Rye Town, was attended by approximately 60 educators.

The article reported: 'Zoe Charitos, a guidance counselor at Lincoln High School in Yonkers, said she was looking for ways to reduce stress for juniors and seniors applying to college and trying to finish high school.'

Ms Charitos is quoted as saying: 'I'm open to any new ideas. A lot of them are stressed ... and a lot of them don't usually like the conservative methods for relaxation.'

Director of the Westchester Maharishi Enlightenment Centre, Sam Katz, said that the Transcendental Meditation Programme is becoming widely accepted. He said: 'It's something that is becoming so mainstream. People are looking for something that's natural and there's a simple way to get rid of stress and strain in a permanent way and unfold their full potential.'

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