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Tapping into TM
by Peter Larsen

OC Register    Translate This Article
11 August 2005

On 11 August 2005 OC Register reported: With 40 schools waiting for funds to implement Transcendental Meditation into the daily routine of the students, David Lynch, famed filmmaker and avid TM practitioner, has recently formed a foundation to provide TM to those children and others. TM, a technique known for improving creativity, stress management, and overall well being, is gaining more and more widespread use in educational systems worldwide, noted the article in the Orange Country Register. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of education.

Mr Lynch has seen for himself the effects of Transcendental Meditation on school students, and remarked, 'These people are self-sufficient. They've got a strength. They have a clarity. They've got an inner happiness. They kind of glow with this consciousness.'

As a filmmaker, Lynch says TM has helped him tap into his creativity. 'I always say ideas are like fishing,' Lynch says. 'You go fishing for ideas, and the bait is desire, I always say. You focus. It's like bait on the hook, and you catch ideas. And the little ones swim on the surface and the bigger ones swim down deeper. And when you meditate, you catch bigger fish.'

Carmen N'Nambi runs a public charter school in Detroit, Michigan, partially funded by a corporate grant. In her school, 120 children have practised TM twice daily for six years and cherish their daily meditations. N'Nambi commented, 'I don't think we realize how much we don't value quiet in this culture,' She added, 'American society is busy.'

A spokesman for the national TM organization said that society's view of TM has changed. It is being successfully used in schools in Detroit, Atlanta, Georgia, and Washington, DC, and the endowment in the David Lynch Foundation will allow even more students to access the benefits of TM in the very near future.

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