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Tune in to Success without Stress: Jerry Seinfeld talks TM on new SiriusXM radio show - January 22

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22 January 2014

Jerry Seinfeld and Bobby Roth on Sirius radio

Tune in to SiriusXM satellite radio this Wednesday, January 22, at 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT, channel 104, and catch the first episode of Success without Stress, featuring comedian Jerry Seinfeld. The new series will be hosted by David Lynch Foundation executive director Bob Roth, and will focus on the power and principles of the Transcendental Meditation technique.

How to listen to the show

If you are not currently a subscriber, you can listen to the show by getting a 30-day free trial from SiriusXM. Tune to channel 104 every Wednesday, beginning on January 22, at 7 pm (US ET) / 4 pm (US PT).

Future shows with celebrities, researchers, and more

Jerry Seinfeld and Bobby Roth

Future shows will include in-depth interviews with Ringo Starr, Hugh Jackman, and David Lynch, as well as leading medical researchers, business executives, educators, leaders of veterans service organizations, etc., who will discuss the benefits of TM® practice in combating stress, unlocking the brain's creative potential, and helping any individual achieve personal fulfillment and professional success.

Unfolding creativity, intuition, and peace of mind

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''Stress is the black plague of the 21st century, and published research reveals that Transcendental Meditation can be a viable antidote,'' said Roth. ''Studies show TM can unfold the clarity, peace of mind, energy, intuition, creativity, and motivation we all have within ourselves, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give SiriusXM listeners the keys to unlock their potential and reach their goals on Success without Stress.''

What is SiriusXM Satellite Radio?

SiriusXM satellite radio is a commercial-free radio that you can listen to anywhere—at home, in your car, or walking around outside with your iPod. Click for more information and a free 30-day subscription.

For more information on the TM program, please visit

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