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Bob Roth: Bringing calm to the center of life's storm
by Ann Brenoff

The Huffington Post    Translate This Article
16 October 2013

On 16 October 2013 The Huffington Post reported: ''If there was a perfect year in which to discover Transcendental Meditation, it might just have been 1968. That was the year that Bob Roth was a freshman at the University of California at Berkeley—a campus considered Ground Zero for the anti-war movement and the cultural changes sweeping through [the USA] at the time.'' Roth learned Transcendental Meditation after hearing about it from a coworker at his part-time job, whom he described as ''like a quiet reflection pool amid the chaos.'' It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of culture.

Writer Ann Brenoff continues, ''Today, Roth is the executive director of the David Lynch Foundation, where he has helped bring Transcendental Meditation programs to more than 300,000 at-risk kids in 35 countries, as well as veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and women and girls who are survivors of domestic violence. [He also] introduces the TM program to business, industry, and government organizations. . . .

''Roth's student roster includes a lot of very recognizable names: Oprah, Russell Simmons, Russell Brand, Martin Scorsese, Mehmet Oz, Hugh Jackman, and dozens of others.''

The Huffington Post article also brings out a wide range of scientific research results on Transcendental Meditation showing that ''people sleep better, reduce their stress, and lower their blood pressure. In children, the practice can reduce ADHD symptoms and symptoms of other learning disorders. . . .

''Companies interested in innovation are drawn to TM because of the positive impact it has on their work force. It's why Oprah had Roth bring his program to her staff of 400. 'It's not just about learning to relax,' said Roth. 'TM wakes up the brain and the executive functions. It resets the brain to perform in a less ''flight or fight'' manner.' . . .

''Roth says the tipping point has been reached in regard to the public's understanding of the value of meditation. As he wrote on Maria Shriver's blog, 'It feels like something foundational can be done to help transform lives through meditation, not only among those most at-risk to suffer traumas in life, but also the teen in the private school who battles the very real demons of substance abuse and unspoken thoughts of suicide; the parent who is struggling to survive an ugly divorce and still keep the family intact; or just the person—man, woman, boy, girl—who is navigating life's daily vicissitudes and can't seem to catch a breath, turn off the noise, get a good night's sleep.' ''

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