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Half of Oprah's viewers log on to TM website to learn more about meditation
by Global Good News staff writer

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7 April 2012

After practising Transcendental Meditation for a few months, Oprah Winfrey aired a one-hour prime-time television show about the meditation technique, Maharishi School, and the towns of Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa.

As expected, the show resulted in dramatically increased interest in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) Technique across the United States.

The show—called 'America's Most Unusual Town'—was first broadcast 25 March in the Oprah's Next Chapter series, on her new Oprah Winfrey Network, OWN. Although viewership may not yet have gained the scale it was on previously when she broadcast on one of the major US networks, nonetheless about 250,000 people viewed the TM show on 25 March.

The results were swift and impressive. Of the 250,000 people who watched the show, about half logged on to the website to learn more about Transcendental Meditation.

A response rate of 50% is nearly unheard of in situations like this, experts have noted. In a public service announcement, gaining a reaction from 2-4% of viewers is considered average.

The high response rate may be due to both Ms Winfrey's wide-reaching popularity and the broad-spectrum appeal of the Transcendental Meditation Technique, teachers have commented.

The website usually sees 120,000 unique visitors each month, but in only the first five minutes after Ms Winfrey's show first aired, the site received 50,000 visitors at once. This was more than the server could handle, and the site slowed down and eventually crashed.

It was quickly back up and running again, however, and over the next several days about 120,000 people visited the website.

Of those who did, many requested more information. So far, there have been over 10,000 requests through the website for introductory lectures on the Transcendental Meditation Technique, in addition to people who are contacting their local centre directly.

For example, at a small Transcendental Meditation centre in San Antonio, Texas, teachers are giving introductory lectures to about 100 people, many of whom are signing up to learn the meditation technique.

Global Good News will continue to report on Oprah's TV show about Transcendental Meditation. Several excerpts are posted online on Click here for a 'Sneak Preview'.

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