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Vedic Architecture gains increasing popularity in Europe
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
15 June 2006

For countless generations housing and city planning was haphazard due to incomplete knowledge of the Laws of Nature. This resulted in misfortune creating buildings, the cause of poverty, disease, societal stress, and war in the family of man. Fortunately, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has brought out complete knowledge of the Vedic Science of Architecture, Sthapatya Veda, to remove any obstacles connecting the individual with the cosmos.

New company formed

Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Reconstruction of the Global Country of World Peace, has worked closely with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for 30 years designing thousands of fortune creating homes and public buildings, as well as redesigning all major cities throughout the world. In July 2005, Dr Hartmann proposed that Maharishi's World Wide Movement establish its own building and development company. The Dutch company, Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Fortunnlijk Wonen (Fortune Creating Building and Development Company) was recently created.

Vastu weekends throughout Europe

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has said that a country cannot be invincible unless everyone lives in Vastu homes and buildings. Vastu Vidya is the knowledge of orientation and placement of structures in accord with Natural Law. Three experts in Vastu, architects Alberto Castano, Christian Schweitzer and Wojtek Skalski have held successful Vastu weekend seminars in Denmark, Germany, Italy, France, Ireland, Belgium, and Spain.

Vastu weekend overview

The practical and deep advice received on these weekends will satisfy all desires of each client quickly. Participants will see and learn the following:

1) Basic principles of Vastu are outlined.

2) Requirements for Vastu projects are explained.

3) Overview of 14 standard existing designs for homes, which soon will be increased to 20 to 30, are made available. Adjustments can be made to suit the individual.

4) Inspiring examples of completed projects are shown.

5) Financial aspects are clearly laid out.

6) Planning session—where adjustments are made to plans.

7) How each person can get their homes or developments built quickly.

Never has it been as easy to build a Maharishi Sthapatya Veda home as it is today.

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