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Md. building constructed in harmony with universe    Translate This Article
5 August 2008

On 5 August 2008 reported: The Tower Companies' new building in Rockville, Maryland is designed using Vedic architectural principles, which are in harmony with the flow of the universe. It is a joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring fulfilment to the field of business.

'Nature has an architecture and if you replicate it in a working environment then you'll really be successful,' developer Jeffrey Abramson told

Mr Abramson said that the human brain reacts to space. The reaction can be either positive where people love the building, or negative where people want to leave the building as quickly as possible. To create a harmonious space Vedic says a building must have the correct orientation on the land, facing due east.

Some Vedic principles that are pleasing to the brain, create energy, are health promoting, and are incorporated into the Tower Companies new building are:

• The front of the building must face due east

• The brain likes to track the sun's progress so daylight should be in every room. This gives the inhabitants more energy

• Indoor gardens are located in certain areas to enhance energy

• A staff kitchen is in the southeast corner where the flow promotes hunger and digestion

The article stated, 'The Tower Company's building will be the largest Vedic building designed in America but Abramson has applied Vedic principals to his other offices and says it works.'

'Life became easier,' he told 'It's like the walls that blocked our opportunities and success went away, as if nature supported us.'

The report stated, 'To foster this healthy energy, Abramson is going for a platinum LEED certificate, making the building achieve the highest level of excellence in sustainability and green design.'

Global Good News comment:

For more about the Tower Companies' new building and Vedic Architecture in accord with Natural Law, please visit: Maharishi Sthapatya Veda and ' ''World's Healthiest Building'' inaugurated . . .'.

Every day Global Good News documents the rise of a better quality of life dawning in the world and highlights the need for introducing Natural Law based—Total Knowledge based—programmes to bring the support of Nature to every individual, raise the quality of life of every society, and create a lasting state of world peace.

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