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New York City is redesigned to create wealth and balance in world economy
by Global Good News staff writer

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26 June 2006

New York has long been considered to be the most powerful financial capital in the world

Despite being the centre of corporate wealth, New York City has failed to fulfil its purpose and potential, by removing poverty, and bringing wealth and comfort to the whole world. To eliminate inequalities and suffering in global economies, a group of 30 International Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace are creating new Global Financial Capitals in New York based on Natural Law.

Wrong orientation causes obstacles to success

The International delegation visited New York this spring and identified that the cause of New York's failure to rise to it's full parental potential was due to the incorrect orientation and placement of its buildings, especially Wall Street. Vastu, the ancient Vedic Science of building structures in accord with the governing power and intelligence of Nature, sites eastern orientation as essential for success, prosperity, health, and happiness.

The delegation were astounded to find that only two buildings in the whole of New York city were properly orientated. The financial leaders in New York were found to be living in misfortune creating homes and offices. This resulted in a incoherent, negative atmosphere, which disenabled them from making clear, progressive, creative, and life nourishing decisions for the whole world family.

International financial hub relocates to 12 new financial capitals

The delegation, under the inspiration of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, immediately began looking, and purchasing perfectly oriented land, within a 75 mile radius of New York City, to relocate its population. Despite the enormity of this undertaking, this decision was perfectly in tune with the city's more forward thinking planners, who saw the critical need to decentralise the congested city, for lifestyle and security reasons.

In redesigning the Global Financial Centre, not one, but twelve new Financial Capitals are planned to provide individuals, and corporations ideal lifestyle and working environments. A superb, 800 acre organic farm was purchased to provide nutritious, poison free food to enhance the health and well being of the residents of the new capitals.

New York will never be the same, now that it is properly orientated. The establishment of these new Global Financial Capitals will transform the trends of history from poverty, fear, and economic instability, to prosperity and balance in the global family of mankind.

Copyright © 2006 Global Good News(sm) Service.

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